
Monday, February 21, 2022

Waxing and Waning of the Feminine and Masculine Cycles

All major civilizations move cyclically through the phases of femininity and masculinity. 

When the feminine cycle is waxing, the civilization is inspired by liberty, beauty, individualism, and pursuit of pleasure—there is flowering of art, literature, music, philosophy, and multiculturalism. At the waning of the feminine cycle, the civilization is nihilist, hedonist, decadent, and irresponsible. When the masculine cycle is waxing, the civilization is warlike and aggressive—it is driven by the forces of racial unity, world conquests, and radical urbanization and industrialization. At the waning of the masculine cycle, the civilization is ossified, violent, corrupt, and tyrannical.

In the feminine cycle, the political battles are won through arguments and negotiations. In the masculine cycle, the political battles are won through coercion and warfare. The contest between the masculine and the feminine ways goes on for as long as the civilization lasts. There are phases in the civilization’s history when neither the feminine nor the masculine dominate, and society is a hotchpotch of the two ways.

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