When the national discourse becomes focused on the magnitude of the imminent disasters, and the sacrifices that must be made to prevent these disasters from happening, then it is certain that the nation has lost confidence in itself and is all set to fail. A successful nation is an optimistic and confident nation—it is a nation in which the discourse is focused on the great achievements that its people will make in the times to come, and the ease with which they will overcome every problem that they face on their way to a better future.
Has there ever been such a nation? The US possibly in its formation, though beset by ethical controversies which almost tore it apart and a hierarchy forming afterwards. Israel possibly also. Maybe Russia during the reforms of Peter the Great, though the collectivist mentality there was difficult to challenge. Now the 'woke' culture has taken over. We're trying to rewrite the past instead of focusing on the future.
Argentina is a recent and real example of what is said in this article.
Argentina is a recent and real example of what is said in this article.
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