
Saturday, February 1, 2025

On The False Dichotomy Between Socialism & Capitalism

On one side is the Western ideology of socialism which claims that all means of production are controlled by the people (which is a euphemism for the state). On the other is the Western ideology of capitalism which claims that all means of production are controlled by individuals (which is a euphemism for private corporations). 

We are told that they are opposites and that they are the only two ways of running a modern society. But this is a false dichotomy. Socialism and capitalism are two sides of the same coin. Both socialist and capitalist states fund their operations through paper money fueled by government debt which can never be paid. Both create markets. Both require cheap or slave labour. Both control the masses by alienating them from their traditional culture and creating the myth of individual freedom and progress. The capitalist markets need the government as much as the socialist markets do. 

Socialism and capitalism are not an either-or. The war between them is a mythology propagated by Western philosophers and politicians. They always exist in tandem. Neither can exist without the other, at least, in the form that we can recognize. All societies, which have adopted the Western model, have mixed economies — they have elements of both socialism and capitalism.

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