
Sunday, December 1, 2024

Currency Wars: Trump Warns BRICS Nations

In his social media platform Truth Social, President-elect Donald Trump has warned BRICS nations that they should not deal with any currency except the American Dollar. Let’s hope that the BRICS nations and other non-Western nations do not succumb to  American pressure. 

The American dollar is the most crooked currency in history of civilization — the dollar is an intricate financial system for enabling the transfer of wealth from Asia, Africa, South America to the USA and other Western countries. It enriches America (and the West) at the cost of the hardworking and poor masses in non-Western countries. The world needs freedom from the tyranny of the American dollar, which represents the last vestige of colonialism. 

Trump has no right to impose his currency on other countries. I think BRICS nations should call his bluff and go ahead with their plan to start a new currency.

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