
Saturday, October 26, 2024

Socialism, Capitalism and the Hegelian Mythology of Reason

The Western systems of capitalism and socialism are unworkable, because they are based on the pseudo-secular Hegelian mythologies which stipulate that history is the progress of human condition till perfection is attained through the dawn of Age of Reason. 

Hegel defined three epochs of history: the Age of the Orient, the Age of the Greeks, and the Age of Reason. The Western capitalists and the socialists have been at war with each other in the last 100 years. Some of the most violent conflicts of the 20th century have been the wars between these two Western groups. The capitalists claim that they are the world’s only repository of reason. They label the socialists as nihilists, irrationalists and collectivists. The socialists counter them with the claim that only socialism and communism can usher mankind into the mythical Age of Reason, and they label the capitalists as imperialists, bourgeois and anti-poor. 

Both are wrong. The so-called Age of Reason is a myth because the working of the human mind and the nature of the universe are beyond human understanding. We have no way of identifying which choices we make on an individual level or on the level of society are based on reason and which are based on mythologies, emotions, delusions, fears, and political and social agendas. Humans are incapable of looking at the universe through only reason. Hegel believed that he was the world’s most perfect embodiment of reason. But his philosophy is wholly irrational and mythological.

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